WhatNext.Law host the meeting “NFTs: Works of Art of the Future”, which took place on the 11th of July at 17h30, in the Auditorium António de Magalhães Cardoso, in Vieira de Almeida’s office, in Lisbon.
The event counted with the participation of Dr. Benjamin Weil, Director of the Modern Art Centre at the Foundation Calouste Gulbekian, and Prof. Péter Mezei, Associate Professor of Law at Szeged University, who discussed the legal and cultural impact of NFTs in the GLAM sector and reflected on the artworks of the future. It emerged clearly from the discussion that, notwithstanding the immediate benefits that NFTs may have for museums and artists, several challenges arise from the use of NFT, such as what revenue model should be used for the various stakeholders involved, what artwork should be minted and ultimately, what is art. All topics that will certainly be further explored in the future. The discussion was moderated by Giulia Priora, professor of Law at Nova School of Law, and the opening and closing were made by Tiago Bessa and Hugo Moredo Santos, both partners VdA and members of the Executive Commission of WhatNext.Law.