Estamos abertos a novas ideias e sugestões. Se tens uma ideia que gostarias de partilhar connosco, usa o botão abaixo.
09h00: Opening Session
Pedro Saraiva | Nova University Lisbon
09h20: Opening Notes
Lee Andrew Bygrave and Tobias Mahler | University of Oslo
09h30: Panel I
João Leite | NOVA School of Science and Technology: “Artificial Intelligence: past, present and future”
Lee Andrew Bygrave | University of Oslo: “Smart Healthcare robotics within the security regulation matrix”
Martin Ebers | University of Tartu: “Therapy without Therapists: Human-Robot Interaction under the EU Medical Device Regulation and the Artificial Intelligence Act”
Tobias Mahler | University of Oslo
11h00: Coffee break
11h30: Panel II
Oliver Quick | University of Bristol: “Healthcare Harm, Artificial Apologies and Robotics Redress”
Athina Sachoulidou | NOVA School of Law: “Traditional criminal law categories and AI: adapt or perish?”
Vera Lúcia Raposo | NOVA Scholl of Law: “How is ‘unexplainable’ and non-transparent AI affecting healthcare delivery?”
Helena Pereira de Melo | NOVA Law School
13h00: Lunch break
14h30: Panel III:
Leonardo Vanneschi | Nova Information Management School: “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Its Use in Oncology”
Tobias Mahler | University of Oslo: “Regulatory steps towards robot autonomy in healthcare settings”
Pedro Pitta Barros | NOVA School of Business and Economics: “The Economics of Digital Health: Opportunities and Challenges”
Moderation: Lee Andrew Bygrave | University of Oslo
16h00: Coffee break
16h30: Students’ panel
Nausica Palazzo | NOVA Law School
18h30: Final remarks
Margarida Lima Rego | NOVA School of Law
08h45: Accreditation and Welcome Coffee
09h15: Opening
Paulo Pinheiro | Vieira de Almeida
09h20: WhatNext.Law | FutureHealth
Vera Lúcia Raposo | NOVA School of Law
09h30: Innovation in Healthcare
Helena Canhão | NOVA Medical School
09h50: A view on challenges for developers
Inês Caldas Almeida | Novo Nordisk
Martin Ebers | University of Tartu
Sandra Mateus | Microsoft
Moderation: Francisca Paulouro | Vieira de Almeida
10h40: Coffee break
11h00: A view on challenges for healthcare providers
Micaela Monteiro | CUF
Nuno André da Silva | Luz Saúde
Oliver Quick | University of Bristol
Sofia Couto da Rocha | Lusíadas
Moderation: Pedro Fontes | Vieira de Almeida
11h50: Final remarks
Tiago Bessa | Vieira de Almeida
Estamos abertos a novas ideias e sugestões. Se tens uma ideia que gostarias de partilhar connosco, usa o botão abaixo.