Estamos abertos a novas ideias e sugestões. Se tens uma ideia que gostarias de partilhar connosco, usa o botão abaixo.
This Call invites contributions for the event ‘AI Robotics in Healthcare: A Challenge for Law and Tech’, which will take place in Lisbon, April 17th and 18th, and is co-organized with the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), from the University of Oslo, through VIROS project.
This conference will mark the official launch of FutureHealth, a new research branch of WhatNext.Law focused on new technologies and innovation in the health domain.
Robots based on AI are not a matter of science fiction movies anymore. They are increasingly a part of our life in various domains, including healthcare, providing nursing care to in-home patients, distributing medicines in hospitals, or performing complex surgical interventions, amongst many other relevant tasks. This conference aims to explore the several legal issues involved in the use of AI robotics in healthcare.
List of topics (non-exhaustive)
This Call is directed to all law students, who are invited to submit their abstracts (300-500 words) by 27 March 2023, to the following email:
Accepted abstracts will be invited to present at the conference, in a special panel for young researchers. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to present a paper for publication. The guidelines for the papers will be provided in due course.
Relevant dates:
Deadline for the abstract submission: 27 March 2023
Acceptance notice: 31 March 2023
Conference date: 17 and 18 April 2023
Deadline for submission of the papers: 1 October 2023This Call invites contributions for the event ‘AI Robotics in Healthcare: A Challenge for Law and Tech’, which will take place in Lisbon, April 17th and 18th, and is co-organized with the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), from the University of Oslo, through VIROS project.
This conference will mark the official launch of FutureHealth Law, a new research branch of WhatNext.Law focused on new technologies and innovation in the health domain.
Robots based on AI are not a matter of science fiction movies anymore. They are increasingly a part of our life in various domains, including healthcare, providing nursing care to in-home patients, distributing medicines in hospitals, or performing complex surgical interventions, amongst many other relevant tasks. This conference aims to explore the several legal issues involved in the use of AI robotics in healthcare.
List of topics (non-exhaustive)
This Call is directed to all law students, who are invited to submit their abstracts (300-500 words) by 27 March 2023, to the following email:
Accepted abstracts will be invited to present at the conference, in a special panel for young researchers. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to present a paper for publication. The guidelines for the papers will be provided in due course.
Estamos abertos a novas ideias e sugestões. Se tens uma ideia que gostarias de partilhar connosco, usa o botão abaixo.