Living together in the cities of the future and the metaverse

Como será viver num mundo onde AI, blockchain, smartcontract, NFTs e metaverse farão parte da nossa rotina? Que papel desempenhará o Direito nesta realidade?

Este e outros temas serão abordados na conferência «Living together in the cities of the future and the metaverse», organizada pela WhatNext.Law que irá decorrer nos próximos dias 3 e 4 de fevereiro na NOVA School of Law, em formato híbrido (presencial e via Zoom).


Dia 1 – 3 de fevereiro




Introductory Greetings


Panel I – Foundational Questions


Giovanni De Gregorio | The Constitutional Questions of the Metaverse(s)

Nasir Muftić | Liability in Metaverse: To Protect Whom and How?


Sofia Palmieri and Mirko Dukovic | The Impalpable Care: A Socio-legal Approach to Healthcare in the Metaverse


Panel II – Manipulation

Cecilia Isola | The Legal Dimension of Extended Reality: Unfair Commercial Practices, Advertising and Consumer Protection

Diogo Brandão | Emotional Data Metaverse


Valerio Nitrato Izzo| Hostile Digital Design in the City: Legal Implications and Challenges

 Vera Lúcia Raposo | From Avatars to AI Avatars: The Perfect Imitation Game


Lunch Break


Panel III – Value Creation


Artha Dermawan | Text and Data Mining Exception in the Development of Creative AI-Assisted Output: What the EU Member States

Could Learn from the Japanese ‘Non-Enjoyment Purposes?


Roberta Caragnano | Labour Law and New Workplaces: The Metaverse


Nikita Divissenko | Money and Transacting in the Metaverse: Regulating New Intermediation Structures

Vincenzo Iaia | Shopping in the Metaverse and Trademark Protection


Coffee Break


Panel IV – Governance

Damián Tuset Varela | Regulation of Web 3.0 from a Triple Perspective: National, European, and International

James Cooper| A Gonzo Guide to Evolving Legal Practice in the Metaverse

Marco Almada | The Limits of Design and Neutrality in the Regulation of Technological Futures


Keynote Speech

                Fabiana Di Porto | Metaregulation for the Metaverse?

Dia 2 – 4 de fevereiro


Panel V – Content Circulation

Mateo García Silva | Hate Speech in the Metaverse


Marisa Almeida Araújo | Disinformation and Deepfakes

Roman Bieda and Dorota Skrodzak-Kiwetniak | Legal Challenges of Holographic Concerts Organized in Urban Spaces and

Concerts in Metaverse


Coffee Break


Panel VI – NFTs


Pin Lean Lau | Where’s Your Soul?: Privacy Challenges and Trustworthiness of Soulbound Tokens in Web3.0 and the Metaverse

Martim Farinha and Fabrizio Esposito | NFTs, Smart Contracts and Secondary Royalties> Writing the Code of Capital 3.0


Panel VII – Computational Law

Luiz Eduardo |The Use of Behavioral Data and AI to Prevent Crimes

Marco Fontana | Talking with Public Officers in the Cities of the Future: Automatization of Information, the Metaverse and

EU Administrative Law

Boris Praštalo and Wasiq Abbas Dar | The Legitimacy Crisis of ISDS: Could AI Be its Saviour (or Resurrector) in the Future?


Concluding Remarks

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