Call for Papers

WhatNext.Law invites you to participate in its Annual Conference that will take place in Lisbon on 9 and 10 April 2025 and online the next week.

This Call for Papers invites contributions for the Conference. The topic this year will be ‘Fair Markets in the XXIst Century: Digital Transition, Artificial Intelligence and Technological Neutrality’.

The Conference will be an occasion for academics, stakeholders, and policymakers to discuss views and advance our share understanding of the challenges of ensuring high standards of fairness in contemporary markets, paying particular attention to the developments in the European Union.

WhatNext.Law also invites the submission of abstracts related to the themes of this conference (details below). A selection of the papers will be fast-tracked for a special issue of The European Journal of Risk Regulation.

Apply and click here for further information.

We'd love to hear from you

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